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Frequently Asked Questions

How many lanes will the SmartSensor Advance detect?

The SmartSensor Advance does not do lane differentiation, but detects the entire approach.

What is the detection range of the SmartSensor Advance?

The SmartSensor Advance will detect vehicles that are between 50–600 feet away from where it's installed. The SmartSensor Advance Extended Range goes out to 900 ft.

How do I configure the SmartSensor Advance?

The SmartSensor Advance can be configured using the SmartSensor Manager Advance software, available on the Wavetronix website. The software can run on any Windows desktop or laptop.

Where should I mount the SmartSensor Advance?

The SmartSensor Advance should be installed either on the side of the road or on a mast arm or other structure over the road. The sensor should be at least 50 feet from the area where you want detection to begin. The maximum mounting height is 40 feet. See the SmartSensor Advance User Guide for more information.

What applications can the SmartSensor Advance be used for?

The SmartSensor Advance can be used in various applications, including dilemma zone protection, large vehicle protection, advance warning systems, intersection queue management, freeway on-ramp and off-ramp queue management, and high-volume green extension.

How long does it take to configure the SmartSensor Advance?

Not long. Once you've connected, the auto-configuration process will automatically detect the approach in minutes.

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