Fifty percent of the population of Texas live within 50 miles of Interstate 35, making it one of the most important, and most traveled, roads in the state. Now, TxDOT has introduced a traveler information system to help motorists become better informed with the help of SmartSensor HD.
You can find details of the project online but the gist of the project is this: SmartSensor HD was used along with Bluetooth sensors to gather tons of data, around 1.3 terabytes a day; this data was integrated into the LoneStar traffic management system and mined for information that can be fed to the traveling public through a variety of outlets, from variable message signs to social media.
This process also had an enormous amount of input from the traveling public. From the story: “[Bob Brydia, TTI’s principal investigator on the project] and his team actively sought user imput via surveys conducted throughout the life of the project. Respondents helped to shape the kind of information travelers receive and how they got it.”
Check out the story from Texas A&M Transportation Institute for more information on this project.